Yoga Class

Group Sessions

Small groups create a great place to learn yoga and receive feedback. 

Pick up ways to move your body to release tension and improve mobility and strength. 

Suits Beginners

Beginner's Yoga

Don’t let pictures of supper bendy people put you off! The great thing about yoga is that you can move into shapes that feel comfortable for you.

Everyone was a beginner at some point and you’ll find both one to one and groups very welcoming, regardless of your ability.

If you’re curious about trying yoga my taster sessions give you the chance to give it a go.

Yoga class squat
Yoga class

Online Yoga Sessions

Delivered one to one, to small classes or as online videos, these include live “Zoom” events for small groups, general yoga video courses and individual lessons to suit your ability.

Sign up and get your first complimentary online lesson free.

What People Say


I have improved so much that I took part in a walking marathon challenge! I truly believe Beth was instrumental in my recovery.

Karen Brock


Beth has helped me sustain and improve mobility, balance, and breathing, using movement and exercises suitable for all my different needs.

Hugh Davies


When I first started yoga I didn’t really believe that such simple exercises would cure my neck and back problems – but they have.

Sue Elward


My yoga practice started off so gentle in the beginning and then gradually developed to give me the mobility to swim miles and feel strong again, both physically and for relaxation.

Dominique Freeth


I noticed that I am getting hardly any pain in my shoulders anymore and my general well-being seems to be more positive.

Hannah McCartan

First Class Free

Try your first group class with Beth for free, to find out if the group yoga classes would suit you. 

You can book a free yoga taster class for any of the online or in-person live lesson.

Yoga Class Warrior

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