Pace of Life

Do you change your pace? Can you adjust your pace depending on what you’re doing? Life has got busier, there’s so much pressure on us to do even more and be a certain way.  It’s overwhelming and the pace just keeps building. It’s creeping up on us slowly. ...

Self-compassion or Self-criticism

Self-compassion or Self-criticism Do you give yourself a hard time? Do you feel guilty when you take time out for yourself? Is it time you gave yourself a break? But how can we give ourselves a break? We all know self-criticism is unhelpful but it can be a hard habit...

Healthy Habits – Daydreaming

Healthy Habits – Daydreaming Do you spend time daydreaming? If so, is it a helpful habit? Do you let your mind wander to irrelevant things or do unhelpful thoughts take over when you’re not focusing on a specific task? eDaydreaming can be a really healthy...

What does it mean to retreat?

Why do we call it a yoga retreat? Retreat means – an act of moving back or withdrawing. If we think about the word retreat outside of a military context we might associate it with a yoga retreat. But have you ever stopped to think why we call it a yoga retreat...


Our breath changes everything.  When we explore our breath things change. I remember my yoga teacher, Yvonne told me that yoga changes you, even if you don’t want it to. Yoga has changed me in so many ways but it’s the breath I keep coming back to. When I focus on my...

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