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Yoga Practice
I help stiff and stressed folk to release tension and relax so that they can enjoy an active life.
Yoga Lessons

Group Classes

Small classes are a great place to learn yoga poses and get feedback. I offer a friendly environment for complete beginners and people returning to yoga

Individual Lessons

Working one to one I can design a practice tailored to you. This is ideal if you've got a health condition or want to build your confidence with yoga.
Self Care Yoga Retreat

Self-Care Retreats

Take a day off to remind your body how to relax, slow down and take in nourishment. The day is suitable for complete beginners as well as those with more experience.

Have you got long term pain?

I also offer specialised movement classes and pain support for groups, as well as one to one sessions to support people living with persistent pain.

I have been managing back pain for over twenty years after a car accident.  I know how hard it can be to find enjoyment in life when you’re living with pain. Over the years I’ve found relief from various specific movement and tools to shift to a more positive mindset that have been key to me making the most of each day. 

If your interested in finding out more about my personal experience with pain and the tools and techniques I offer in my specialist pain classes and one to one work, visit 

Pain management support group
Hi, I'm Beth
I am a yoga therapist and pain specialist who can help you to feel more mobile, stronger and less stressed.

I love working with people who think they might not be able to do yoga, discover that they can and experience the enjoyment it brings.

My goal is to boost your confidence in postures, improving flexibility, strength, and resilience to life’s twists and turns.

I take the time to get to know each person I work with. I offer suggestions, guiding you on how best to work with both your body and mind. With over a decade of teaching experience, I’ve witnessed people from all walks of life catch the yoga bug.

If you’ve been curious about yoga but feel a bit hesitant, I warmly invite you to join me for a taster session or a free consultation to explore whether it’s the right fit for you.

Cat Pose

Learn 5 adaptations and
3 variations of the cat pose
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